2 min readOct 31, 2020


2020 — A year to be remembered for decades

Every year typically has got some defining moments in it’s pocket. But since the beginning of the last year of the 'twenties decade’ it’s getting hard to believe that we’re not in a simulation that’s running every possible scenario at once.

With the word 'pandemic' becoming the word of every mouth after more than a century , waves of social change swelling around every aspect of Mankind. Not to forget the proxy wars , World War 3 conspiracy theories , US presidential elections , Indo-China tensions , Climate change and many more .

The year started with Iran’s top General being killed in a drone strike sparking tensions and giving air to World War 3 conspiracy theories. Also , Brexit did happen! After years of delays and false starts.

Meanwhile in China , a strange new virus began to spread, it’s presence a silent clock counting down to the time it would bring the world to its knees.

With the months of February and March setting in , Trump was acquitted and the virus started making its way through China and started to spark fear throughout the World. For many the word 'Coronavirus' was still unfamiliar and the the threat seemed far off.

Start of April came with 'All Hell broke loose' but under the shadow of a pandemic. Thousands of people started getting infectious and hundreds were dying with shortage of hospital beds and medical staffs. Global markets shuddered , with government’s facing a dilema- “ Economic crisis vs saving lives”. With lockdowns brought in to effect, it seemed life around the Globe came to a half overnight with Deserted airports , empty roads and malls and uncertainty all around.

With the months leading after this , ease in lockdown guidelines were made to revive the Economic crisis . Masks and sanitizers became a daily part of everyone’s Life, but the pandemic broke its own records every morning with millions of cases and thousands of dying each day around the Globe.

Doctors became the frontline saviors , with scientists from all around the Globe coming together for vaccine development. Many companies have been getting positive responses from their trial tests but vaccine development isn’t that easy - as the structure of viruses are hard to study.

With No Work , No Money and No food — people have made Coronavirus a part of their Life , with situations getting better around many corners of the Globe.

Two months more to go , and we are still confused what do we call this year — A pandemic year or just skip it from our calendars.

